I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to post anything! My bad. I've been working on several different projects, and some of them are closing in on finished. That's put me in a mad dash to finish them, of course.
The Story Teller is finished. He's the guy pictured. I will take better pictures of him later, but right now the light isn't good enough for great photos of him. He's been a long time in the works, and I'm glad to have him done. Now, though, I just want to start another giant doll! Maybe I will, later.
The vacuum form table is still waiting on it's frames, then I intend to abuse and abuse it. I tested it's seals over the weekend, and everything seems to be in order. So, as soon as I get frames, something will be formed!
The new 'Secret Doll' is getting some articulation in the form of elastic bands, we'll see how well that works out in the next few days. I won't post the doll until it's finished though...even though I would normally not mind showing it off. This time, I have my reasons.
Kitchen cabinet rabbits are coming along. As soon as I have all six cut out, I will take down the cabinet doors and finish off this project. Pictures and info and all that will come once I do.
That's it for now. Enjoy the only pic of the story teller!
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