So, I opened up the con season this year with ShevaCon, which I had never been to before. It's smaller, but ran well. It was fun getting back into the groove. Last year I went to NO cons at all. This was a first for me at a con, in that it's the first time I wore a costume to a convention! Yay! I got my picture took a few times, so that's cool, yes? It's inspiring me to do costuming...and maybe sell costuming at some later point.
Of interest, while there, I learned about the Mandalorian Mercs group, as seen in the bad phone picture here. They are a costuming club dedicated to Mandalorian Armor. They seem to be much freer about what goes and what doesn't go than say the 501st....which makes them intriguing to me. I can make a costume that looks "Star Warsy" much easier than I can make a screen accurate Storm Trooper.
I also got to see Charles E. Cullen, who amazes me, now. He lives in Roanoke, and I'm not going to attempt to describe what he does, other than to say he makes movies, has a TV show (in Roanoke) and sings. Any attempt to define him more narrowly than that would be impossible for me. I strongly suggest everyone check him out. Oh, and in seeing Charles Cullen, I also got an autographed copy of "Night of the Bums"! Woohoo!
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