I have a love for carousels and carousel horses, and really wanted to make one of my own for a while, now. I came across
this tutorial one day and knew I HAD to try it.
Eventually I found the horse at an antiques mall for $35 (I think), and picked it up.
The pictures here, in order are:
1) The horse after I had patched the holes in it's legs and neck, 2) The horse primed white and 3) Repainted.
That's where we stand right now. I have the pole to put him/her on, and a stand for it, so we'll get to the finished product soon. Right now it is sitting in the corner of my living room, but once it's finished it'll be decor for the bedroom.
I doubt I'll have it finished this week, but expect an update post about it when I do.
On other project news, I'm working on several (TONS) of paintings, and I'm making a wooden cutout of a raccoon for my yard, so we'll have all of those to put up soon enough, too!
Until then, I've put up plenty of stuff in the
etsy shop for you to see. I'll probably do a post or two about the paintings there, but for now you can go look and imagine what I'm planning on saying about them.